Monday 28 March 2011

Portfolio Task 3- Avant Gardism

In approximately 300 words discuss the concept of the 'Avant Garde' in relation to two examples of Graphic Design. Include pictures and full references to the works you are discussing. 

Avant Gard is seen as being an ongoing contemporary art direction that is unfamiliar and fresh. It is often used to create a reaction or emotion that is controversial to its intention like an advertisement or promotion. This is not always taken to satisfaction by its audience, but can have a great impact on the society as a whole.
As a graphic designer i come across examples of this everyday which inspires and guides me and my relation to graphic design.
Adbusters is a great website for discovering examples of Avant Gard ism which is where i found two particular pieces of advertisement that came to
my attention. 

'Asolute on Ice', Adbusters

This ad is very effective. As soon as i engaged with the poster i felt a 
sense of mortality. 
Even though it is just a foot, your mind relates to the label and white sheet 
, portraying death. I felt i wanted to know more about what the poster was 
trying to communicate, as it was evidently negative.
I then related to the generic typeface of 'Absolute Vodka' and associated it 
with joyful experiences, the use of Avant Gard ism is clearly used her as 
the image and text contradict each other. 
Instead of promoting the positive effects and promotion of the product, the 
poster does the opposite and communicates the truths about the alcohol. 
this is also shown in the facts about the effects it has on its audience in 
small print underneath the footer. 


This photograph of a mother breast feeding her which appears to be
tattooed child is not a parody of any particular brand although the baby is 
covered in branded names. This shocking image almost reflects the 
dominance of brands on the collective social individual.
I see it as a metaphor, 'the baby suckling on the teet of consumerism'

As a graphic designer i have become much more aware of Avan Gard ism. The combination of imagery and text related to its audience is a key importance for communicating a strong issue or subject.

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